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Paramount Personal Training
23 Midland court
Station Approach
LE15 6RA
phone 07977991954
email paramountpt@hotmail.co.uk
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People train to reach a variety of different goals, for an array of different reasons; from running faster or longer, to feeling good about themselvs in swimwear. FITNESS is an expansive term, that covers just about everything. There are five main components to physical fitness.
From these come others such as speed, agility, balance etc
Whilst 1 or 2 of these components may be your main focus, a degree of all of them is needed for fuctional fitness. They must all improve to maintain overall balance and well-being. Poor training programmes without balance and poor technique, do more harm than good, leading to bad posture, reduced range of movement, and injury.
Regardless of what our training is geared towards, from strength training to weight loss, your amazing body will adapt to the stress it is put under.This comes first in the form of progress, i.e. stronger muscles or weight loss, but the human body is smart! Before long it anticipates your regime and feels it has already adapted enough to be able to cope. This is called plateau, and is why countless people soon lose patience, hope, and motivation, in their quest to get fit.
At paramount Personal Training we stay ahead of the plateau by changing the variables such as FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, TIME, TYPE, TEMPO, DURATION & VOLUME within your resistance or cardio routines.